Wilson goals to defeat the central powers.
As the title of the speech suggests, "A Model of Christian Charity" deals primarily with the idea of giving to others in need. According to Winthrop, this is a cornerstone of the new community he and the other Puritans hope to build. For the wealthy colonists, charity is also a measure of their service to God.
Comics, movies, and television sitcoms are the correct answers.
A medium is defined as a way in which communication is presented from the speaker to the audience, including many different formats and platforms. Humor refers to the ability of finding something enjoyable and to be amused by things that are funny.
In my own experience, I could mention comics in the first place, such as in <em>Regular Show</em> stories. Movies are another way I have found humor, such as in the funniest moments in <em>Shazam</em>. Sitcoms are also another reliable source, such as <em>Parks and Recreation</em> or <em>Brooklyn 99</em>.
Pure capitalism can be seen in the US. Businesses are run using capital. Those with the capital have a better edge in running the market. Capital investments, shares, labor, and industries are capital based.<span> The economy gets interconnected with capital. Thus, this makes the US a good capitalist model. However, in this design i</span><span>mprovements and profits are not equalized but heavily competed.</span>
<span>On the other hand in socialism, industries are all nationalized or operated by the government. </span><span> </span><span>The concern of this economic system is to equally divide the wealth among the people.</span><span> </span><span> </span><span>Everything is centered on the government to control.</span>