Contributing factors towards the start of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain were cheap energy, foreign competition and Great Britain had a small population. Industrialisation as opposed to agriculture as the main economy meant that machines were used to manufacture the items that were formerly made by hand. This meant that more items could be manufactured in the same time as when they were manufactured by hand. Small farmers could no longer keep up with the pace of the industrialisation of the economy so they moved into the towns to work in the factory. This allowed Great Britain to generate a greater gross domestic product as more work was completed by one person in less time. Energy was very cheap during the time of the Industrial Revolution so the cost of running the machinery was not high. Ships from the East eg. China and India brought in the same goods that were handmade in the UK and they were cheaper than the handmade goods. This forced the local manufacturers out of business
Yes Wisconsins requirment is that all parents send their children to school until age 16
It's 3. After fighting in the revolutionary war, most of the founding fathers agreed that they wanted to step as far away from a strong ventral government since that's what they tried to escape in the first place. this then leads up to the 2nd continental congress being so weak, they can only advise the completely sovereign states from making bad decisions. otherwise known as the articles of confederation for when it gave full state power to basically act as if they were they're own nation.
A. Chancellor Otto von Bismarck