Hi, he sought Utnapishtim, who is sort of an equivalent to Moses, both of them had to build a boat in order to save themselves from the great flood that gods sent them. Utnapishtim was awarded immortality for being loyal to gods, and Gilgamesh is obsessed with the idea of eternal life, thus he seeks Utnapishtim and gods (primarily Enlil) to become immortal as well.
The above question requires a personal answer about your experience of reading different texts. For this reason, I cannot answer this question for you, but I will show you how to answer it.
First, you must identify texts that you have read and found to be clear, logical, or sincere. You can do this with short, direct poems that are easier to analyze the content, an example of this is the poem "I Hear America Singing."
So, to analyze this text, you should consider the following information:
<h2>What is plain text?</h2>
- It is one that presents a subject in a very direct way.
<h2>What is a logical text?</h2>
- It is the one that stimulates reasoning and shows the direct relationship between the elements.
<h2>What is a sincere text? </h2>
- It is one that presents a subject in a realistic, denotative, and informative way.
More information about what is direct and objective text is in the link:
Answer: World war 3 hasn't started dude.
I can’t make a whole essay, but you can add this to ur essay :)
Soccer is a good sport for maintaining health, fitness, strength and endurance. You can play with a club, learn through a junior clinic or have a kick with friends. ... Mix up your physical activity with other low-impact sports.