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It is very hard to see what is going on.
The answer is D. Extracellular,
the main ions involve in osmoregulation in a cell are sodium and chloride. Intra-and extracellular distribution of K+ is
influenced, for example, by Na+/K+-ATPase
function, pH, Cellular catabolism and anabolism, Insulin and glucose. Parathormone
and calcitriol are important in the homeostatic regulation of phosphates.
Birth control pills contain mam-made forms of two hormones called Estrogen and Progestin. Both hormones prevent a woman's ovary from releasing an egg during her menstrual cycle. They do this by changing the levels of the natural hormones the body makes.
The four characteristics of a mineral are:
1. Cleavage- the way it breaks, whether flat or roughly.
2. Luster- the way light reflects off of it, i.e. pearly, shiny, etc.
3. Streak- the color that its powder is
4. Hardness, for example, diamond is the hardest mineral, this is usually measured on the Mohs scale.