In reference to the<span> signal lanterns of railroad construction workers. </span><span>There is no certainty as to where the term red-light district came from. But one of the explanations dates back to the 20th century. It is associated with the railroad and railroad workers. During this time, the workers would carry their red lanterns which they used for lightning purposes as well as signaling to their fellow </span>workers. It<span> was believed that these workers brought their </span>lanterns<span> with them when they went to prostitute houses near the railroad </span>lines. The<span> number of red </span>lanterns<span> created a </span>red light<span> area.</span><span> </span>
The anion that would be expected to be most stable than of
others is the iodine. It is because base on its electronegativity, it has the
least electronegativity property compared of other anions and when there is
less electronegativity, it is considered to be the most stable.