Breaking a bill : giving a change
Common clay : Ordinary individual
Trifle : insignificant, little
Larks : Tricks
Breaking a bill : A bill could be said to be broken when a smaller bill or denomination is returned to a person usually after having paid for a service or dashing out a part of the larger bill.
Common clay : This phrase takes out the uniqueness or special adornment, as it connotes 'ordinary' or lacking any special features or characteristic. In the context, common clay refers to an ordinary individual.
Trifle : represents which are of little or less importance, value or amount. Things that may be considered as insignificant.
People giving them a safe space, and a bunch of loving people to support htem, and they can grow together as a family.
Explanation: Realistic fiction depicts life and society in <u>a true to life </u>manner as the word realist itself proposes to portray the subjects as they are in real life. It offers a natural perspective to the text.
Its Characters are quite <u>dynamic</u> as they portray the day-to-day life consequently experiencing transition time-to-time. They portray the conflicts experienced by common people. Thus, they grow and transform with their experiences.
And which will make it easier for readers to<u> </u><u>relate to</u> them as realist writers break away from the fictional and imaginative world of the previous writers and providing an alternative to the audience to connect.
This genre primarily focuses on the <u>deadly struggles</u><u> </u>of the life of ordinary people, validating their experiences in order to ensure the authenticity and worth of their text, major cause of concern in realism.
Makes passage more rleateable