that gent shows brav'ry and is willing to putteth his life at risketh
Popular appeal - true because the majority believe it is true.
Incomplete Question. Options that completes the question;
A. Rainsford’s repetition characterizes him as forgetful, which is why he must repeat the word to remember his mission.
B. Rainsford’s repetition shows that with his great skill and perseverance he was able to survive.
C. Rainsford’s repetition was probably taught to him in a private school growing up and is a symbol of his class status.
D. Rainsford’s repetition of “nerve” refers to the nervous system and neurons in the brain and emphasizes human reason as the most important key to success.
It noteworthy that Rainsford was a determined individual. His use of the word 'nerve' shows his determination which leads to his survival having applied great skill and perseverance.
This quality of perseverance was what made him repeat the word “nerve” in paragraph 169, paragraph 179, and paragraph 197.
A Male Goat. Buck is slang for a male goat.