In relating to behavior, normal means ordinary. Someone who displays normal (and usually healthy) behavior like the majority of people. Abnormal behavior is just the opposite.
For example: Person A sees a poisonous snake. They get away from the snake in fear. This person has normal behavior. Person B sees the same snake. They get on the ground and play with the snake. This person has abnormal behavior.
To go away from Verona
Benvolio suggested to Romeo, that he needs to go away from Verona before the guards come and attack him.
i think so the people they were killing couldnt have any knowledge
North Carolina residents want the government to fix existing roads first, before building new ones. They also favor improving rail services and buses to increase the number of public transportation users. But some citizens complain that governments are robbing Peter to pay Paul, shortchanging one area that needs transportation funds in order to contribute to another area.
Only use the important part