Sarah wakes up at 5 o’clock every morning. She doesn’t have to leave the house until 7 o’clock, but as she will tell you, a lot
of work goes into getting herself and her son Matthew ready to go to work and pre-school. First, she gets out of bed and walks quietly to the bathroom and takes a shower. She then puts on little bit of make-up before heading back to her bedroom to get dressed. After getting dressed, she checks the email that has been collecting since she went to bed the night before. Next, she packs one breakfast and two lunches. After packing the breakfast and lunches, she listens and replies to early-morning voice mails, gets back on the computer to check the weather and traffic, and moves some chicken from the freezer to the refrigerator, so that it will be thawed and ready to cook when she and Matthew get home in the late-afternoon. At this point, it is a little past 6 o’clock, and she has yet to wake up Matthew. 9
If this story were to continue, what would the author most likely discuss in the next paragraph?
the route that Sarah takes to get Matthew to school and herself to work
Sarah's feelings about having to wake up so early in the morning
Sarah waking up Matthew and getting him ready for pre-school
what Sarah and Matthew do when they get home in the afternoon
Explanation: social media has a bunch of answers and a bunch of websites and a bunch or articles that have info on them which a journalist wouldn't fast. social media is like are new news.