Ralph is acculturating its new employees through assimiliation, it is a way of or a progress in absorbing ideas or information and to be able to understand them. It is seen in the scenario above of how Ralph encourages the new hires to learn the norms and values of the orgaization, in which they should learn and understand. This is the process of assimilation.
Make a study schedule! organize all your notes and materials .flashcards work or find a study buddy who needs someone to push them to focus on the task as well.
NOTE- I have not used every thing on this list but I added them so you can see what works for you :) happy studying
for homework help include khan academy, lit charts, brain(duh), Wikipedia- note I wouldn't use wiki as help writing an essay or something it's not considered a reliable source for things like that. wolfram alpha.
to help with bookmarks and citations
Instapaper, pocket, easybib also if you need a grammar checker for things you have to type you can download Grammarly to your desktop I'm using it now and it's so helpful.
to help with note taking
notability, Evernotes, my script nobo, penultimate, supernotes, pages, office lens.
to help with organization istudiez
,todoist,any.do,wunderlist,treilo, my homework
to help with productivity
audimemo, lastpass, dragon diction,freedom,pomodroido
for flashcards, i really recommend quizlet or study blue.
for math calculators use math way it's so helpful and one of the best calculators I've ever used.
note- if you have a school iPad or something this list can help a lot.
phew finally let me post :D
hope I helped - beanz
Occur at least annually
Greater than minimal risk protocols that have been approved must undergo review at least once a year. However IRBs usually specify a shorter period than this for reviews. The principal investigator holds the duty of ensuring that signed consent forms are kept confidential. The IRB are not required to review these confidential forms.
2% higher
Nominal rate = real rate + inflation
In the U.S:

In Taiwan:

The difference between inflations is:

Therefore, then inflation in Taiwan is about 2% higher than in the U.S.
$2.8 divdends per share
$56 market price
Rate of return 10%
The gain for an investment in stocks is:

In this case we are told that this is distribute evenly, this means:
dividends paid = market price gain
So dividends yield 5% and market price yields another 5% to achieve the 10%
So currently $56 market price x 0.05% = $2.8 divdends per share