Many European countries had what was referred to as a "Sphere of Influence" in China at this time. So, Secretary of State, John Hay, created an open door policy to allow all countries equal privileges in trade.
For the answer to the question above,
Dear John,
Our journey from Vietnam has been very rough, with so many sick people on this ship, yet it would be better than the czar's army. I will write again when I am ready for a wife. The Americans here did not take to kindly to us immigrating. I hope this life works out.
Miss Philadelphia
The Battle of New Orleans
The Battle of New Orleans, one of the Greatest Victories for the Americans in the War of 1812 (If not the greatest) occurred on January 8th, 1815. And it actually happened after the Peace Treaty, the Treaty of Ghent was already signed by the Americans and Britain. But word never got to either sides in time.
First degree murder convictions typically draw the harshest sentences of any crime. As with the elements of the crime and defenses available, sentencing can vary from state to state. [ Possible sentences are outlined in state statutes, with courts deciding, sometimes within strict statutory guidelines, which sentence a convicted murderer will receive based on the facts determined in the case. ]
Hope this helped!
Why the US won the space race?
Conclusion of the Space Race. By landing on the moon, the United States effectively “won” the space race that had begun with Sputnik's launch in 1957. For their part, the Soviets made four failed attempts to launch a lunar landing craft between 1969 and 1972, including a spectacular launch-pad explosion in July 1969.