Had heavy taxes? what do you mean "that they"?
Consumer preferences and spending, not the government, drive what types of products and services companies offer. The government allows you to choose any type of business or field that you are interested in owning or seeking employment.
The tax burden in France, prior to the French Revolution, fell on the shoulders of the 98% of the population that made up the Third Estate. The First Estate consisted of the clergy, and the Second Estate was the nobility. Those two estates overlapped in some ways, because high ranking church officials functioned as a form of aristocracy too. And the two leading Estates colluded with one another to keep the system operating the way it was, with them having all the privileges and powers underneath the monarchy.
That Gentiles as well as Jews brought sacrifices to the Temple is implied in the prophet that the Temple will be a house of prayer for all peoples (Isaiah 56:7) to provide what seemed to be to those who made them plausible reasons