Warren G. Harding took the office of the presidency in 1921, promising to return the country to “normalcy” after the era of Prog
ressive reform and world war, but his administration quickly became one of the most corrupt in American history. Identify the controversial events and personal scandals that took place during his presidency.
Some of the controversial events and personal scandals that took place during Warren G. Harding's presidency were:
Trafficking of medical provisions that belonged to the government Harding helped Charles Forbes escape the country for being responsible of this, and eventually, both his colleague and his secretary took their own lives. This trafficking was also associated to the "Ohio Gang" as well.
The Teapot Dome Scandal of 1920, which was connected to clandestine financial operations related to oil reserves that belonged to the federal government by Albert Bacon Fall.
He was an alcoholic in a time when alcohol was banned in the U.S.
He was accused of cheating on his wife, which later proved to be true.