In this scenario, Dr. Powell is most likely a professional in the field of<u> "clinical psychology".</u>
Everybody has off days when they simply don't feel like themselves. For the dominant part of individuals, these sentiments are typical, and they don't keep going long by any means. For a few, be that as it may, these sentiments are more genuine, and they could show a psychological or enthusiastic issue.
Clinical psychology refers to a branch of psychology that spotlights on diagnosing and treating mental, passionate, and social issue. A portion of the more typical issue that may be dealt with incorporate learning incapacities, substance mishandle, despondency, nervousness, and dietary issues.
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<span>Overgeneralized beliefs about a group of people that often underline prejudicial emotions are called "stereotypes".
A stereotype refers to a settled, over summed up conviction about a specific gathering or class of individuals.
One advantage of a stereotype is that it empowers us to react quickly to circumstances since we may have had a comparative ordeal previously. One disadvantage is that it influences us to overlook contrasts between people; consequently we ponder individuals that won't not be valid.</span>
First , he should question waitress about it
And if the additional 10$ were given by mistake , then he probably should return them (which makes a good act of him ) and take the access amount which is 2$.