O, that I were a man for his sake! Or that I had any friend would be a man for my sake! But manhood is melted into curtsies, valor into compliment, and men are only turned into tongue, and trim ones, too. He is now as vallient as Hercules that only tells a lie and swears it. I cannot be a man with wishing; therefore I will die a woman with grieving
What is the message in these lines?
The lines quoted in question statement have been taken from Much Ado About Nothing written by famous writer Shakespeare.
The theme that can be deduced from the above lines is that at times people fail to honor the social integrity. There are few people who do the right thing to save their integrity, most find excuses that they couldn't do the right things becuase of some social or other barriers and are happy to live with that excuse like Beatrice in above paragraph, we accept dying believing there wasn’t really anything we could have done
It affects one sex because of the X chromosomes.
A male with a mutation in a gene on the X chromosome is typically affected with the condition. Because females have two copies of the X chromosome and males have only one X chromosome, X-linked recessive diseases are more common among males than females.
Well, it depends. Sometimes you can accomplish things for yourself. It might not be satisfying for some people to get no praise, but at least you can tell yourself you did something great. It also depends on the accomplishment. You might think something is good, but other people may not like it. My answer is most likely no, because it depends on what you are accomplishing and it doesn't matter what people think of it, because, to you, it is an accomplishment. To other people, what you do might not be an accomplishment, but you sort of have to decide for yourself what is an accomplishment and what is not.
Anyway, I have a question. Is this for personal reasons, or for school?
C) to organize information in a way that readers can follow easily
An outline helps a writer organize the information in his or her notes logically.