The emotion they are trying to invoke is fear, because the picture shows something scary, or evil.
Why were the Americans shocked when the Soviets detonated an atomic bomb?
When the Soviet Union exploded its first atomic bomb in 1949, the United States reacted how, and why? The U.S. wanted to build a more powerful weapon to maintain control and power. ... The Guatemalan head of government gave American owned land in Guatemala to peasants.
The act intensified the issue over slavery in the United States Congress.
The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 allowing settlers of a region to decide whether slavery to be approved within a new state's borders, and allowed for popular sovereignty. It also led to a violent rebellion called Bleeding Kansas. It was a rebel between antislavery and proslavery activists who flooded into the territories.
If there is a general favor towards certain people, if he were to select otherwise, then people would think he was biased. This would result in a bad reputation towards him, with a worst case leading to him being impeached if the public sees enough corruption.
Answer: To give new ideas about skills that black Americans can learn