A general rule for adding text to a slide is to use not more than two fonts in a presentation and vary the font size. Besides adding text you can also import text, photographs, numerical data, and facts from files created in programs such as Microsoft word, excel and access.
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Reproduction. One layed some eggs then another and another and then BOOM here they are.
Two dimensional array contain both rows and columns. Each row represented one record and each column represent one filed in that record.
for ex: int grades[5][3];
here array grades contains 5 rows and in each row we have 3 columns
if we have grades[i][j] then " i " represents number of rows and j represents the number of columns in that row.
j<grades[i].length represents i=0 to 2[here no of columns are 3, array index starts from 0 to 2]
The Answer is D