- Hey there , ronisha!

- Full settlement generally means DISCOUNT ALLOWED.
- Firstly , Read out the question and try to understand. It says we purchased some stuffs of Rs 30000 from the sansee stores and we payed Rs 28000 in full settlement which implies that we received the discount of Rs 30000-28000 i.e Rs 2000.
- You must have known the rules for debit and credit. As we know In case of personal account , Debit : The receiver , We have sansee stores as the receiver so we placed it in debit side.
- Remember: When the question says that the cash is payed through cheque , you should always consider cheque as a bank. Now , In the case of personal account , Credit : The giver. Who's the giver? Of course , bank! So , we placed it in credit side.
- Now , In case of nominal account , Credit : the incomes or gains . The question says we received the discount so obviously it's not expenses. So, We placed discount received in credit side. You must have studied that Every debit should have equal credit. And we're done!
- Hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any questions regarding my answer and also don't hesitate to reach out to me if you need any other help! :)
Answer: Agency problem
Agency problem is the issue rises when the agents fails to display appropriate interest of principles.This interest conflict usually occurs between the organisation's stakeholder and management.
In this situation,manger is the person who usually acts as the agent for providing best interest to the stakeholder to increase their wealth and benefit.But if failure in this case occurs , then conflict is experienced between both the parties.
I would recommend a savings account
It depends on what type of meeting it is tell me what type of meeting it is and then i might give you some things necessary :)