Jules Sylvester had always loved reptiles. When he was asked by a movie producer if he could locate some anaconda snakes for a m
ovie, a business was born. Sylvester is the proud owner and operator of Reptile Rentals. The California-based business, which he started with no financial help from anyone, is often called on to provide "creepy, crawly" moments in the movies. Jules Sylvester is an example of a:
A self-made entrepreneur is somebody who started his own business from scratch, without any foreign help. The business usually starts as an idea which is often something the entrepreneur is passionate about. In case of Jules Sylvester the passion were his reptiles. He cleverly turned his passion into his business, knowing that his knowledge and his love for animals are invaluable for his enterprise. As many self-made entrepreneurs, he started his venture without any financial help from others, and he might have faced various risks and obstacles at the beginning.
Como te lo mencionamos anteriormente, tu empresa está obligada por ley a realizar aportes parafiscales por cada empleado con un contrato laboral. El total de los parafiscales suman un 9% y hacen parte de las apropiaciones de nómina de cada trabajador.