Intuitive decision making
Intuitive decision making is a kind of decision making method that uses the least rationality and is usually based on past experiences. It is more of unconscious decision making and works outside of conscious thoughts, however it doesn't always contradict rational decision but can somehow complement it. Albeit influenced by emotions, experience has shown intuitive decision making works most of the time. It does not however eliminate the need of rational decision making.
This question lacks options, options are:
A) latent learning.
B) the law of effect.
C) higher-order conditioning.
D) a variable-ratio schedule.
The correct answer is C.
Higher-order conditioning learning process whereby once a conditioned response has been established, the conditioned stimulus can serve, in turn, as an unconditioned stimulus to establish an unconditioned response to a third stimulus, that is, it is a process which is carried out after doing a classic or response conditioning, in this it is intended that the conditioned stimulus (and because it generates a conditioned response) is associated with another (neutral) stimulus, so that a new conditioning is carried out between these it could be understood that first there is a stimulus that becomes conditioned and second this stimulus is associated with another, so that the second (new neutral stimulus) begins to generate the responses of the first (conditioned stimulus).
Britain was responsible for transporting millions of enslaved Africans to colonies in the Americas. men, women and children were forced to work on plantations and denied basic rights