After being caught in Japanese waters, and taken prisoners, Louie and Phil were treated nicely and with respect while on the ship, good food and treats, medical care and so on; they even were untied from time to time. But while off the ship on Execution Island they were brutally handled and physically abused, they were put in small cells, no medical care and with meager food, no dignity neither humanity.
I hope ur joking . Those are literally all b’s and probably one A if our grade system is the same.
happy dagger. This is the sheath you'll be using. Rust there, and let me perish.
Even though she doesn't like her very much, Belinda talks with Josie because it makes her feel less lonely. Belinda is using her interactions with Josie to fulfill her social needs. Belinda is using her interactions with Josie looking for communication not to feel lonely.
reveal everything there is to know about a character
help readers visualize the story and advance the story’s plot
allow readers to draw their own conclusions about everything
tell readers what they need to know rather than show them