A. King Henry VIII
Started the process after his split with Pope in the 1930s.
Characteristics of the first estate
1. Absolute monarchy, or absolutism, meant that the ultimate authority to run a state was in the hands of a king who ruled by divine right. Divine right was the claim that a king was given his position by some higher power. ... Because kings and queens were given their authority by god, their power was unconditional
2. An oligarchy is a power structure that allows a few businesses, families, or individuals to rule. They have enough power to turn the county to benefit them to the exclusion of other members. They maintain their power through their relationships with each other.
C. Trench warfare
A's incorrect as alliances have existed for thousands of years
B's incorrect as an infantry charge's greatest weakness is the machine gun for obvious reasons
D's incorrect as both sides had machine guns, and was not the reason for victory.
This leaves C, which makes sense as troops would be forced to hide on lower ground due to the deadliness of machine guns
The Triangle shirtwaist fire was one of the deadliest disaster in the history of industrial disasters.The disaster happened in the Greenwich village Near to Manhattan,New York city on March 25,1911.
As a result of this fire the Eye witnesses helped formulate the American society of safety Professionals on October 4,1911.
The fire took the lives of 146 people most of them were women and young girls mostly Italian and Jewish immigrants.
The fire started on the 8th and 9th floor of Asch building where the Triangle waist company that manufactured blouses for ladies called shirtwaist was located.The workers were unable to escape because all the emergency exits were locked at the time to avoid them having unauthorized breaks hence a lot of people ended up jumping.
New York times also suggested at the time that the fire was started by the owners of the industry Max Blanck and Isaac Harris to claim insurance.
The fire department arrived but they had ladders that reached only the 7th floor,
As a result of the fire the New York state legislature created factory Investigating commission to investigate industries and their conditions.