Answer:Perdón, pero no hablo español.
Top question: Conjugate
Lower Question: The person or people doing the action
Definition on conjugate: to give the different forms of a verb as they vary according to <u>voice, mood, tense, number, and person.</u>
When conjugating the verb has to correctly match with the "person or people doing the action", as stated above.
Ese señor en la foto es mi abuelo Rafael.
Hope this helps!
I have to travel.
Necesito ir de viaje.
Finally you (Ud.) are going to graduate.Finalmente te vas a graduar!!
The girl wants to play.
La nina quiere jugar.
The lawyer wants to know the solution.
El abogado quiere saber la solucion.
We need to eat.
Necesitamos comer.
You (informal, singular) have to earn money.Necesitas ahorrar dinero.
You can study well.
Tu puedes estudiar bien.
What do you want to go?
Adonde quieres ir tu?
I am going to eat now. Yo ya voy a comer ahorita.
We are going to work today. Vamos a trabajar hoy?