Explanation: If the something is a site or app offering free downloads or streams of well-known movies, popular TV shows, big-league sports, and absorbing games, the hidden cost is probably malware.
Most valuable reason for a company to switch to cloud computing is that they only have to pay for the resources they use, and since everything is being host by another company there is no need for internal host of application on private servers and cloud computing has top of the line security since they hire the best IT admin(s)
The acronym RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) describes
networked devices that contain microcomputers but are not thought of as
computing devices, such as refrigerators, automobile components, light
bulbs, and industrial control devices. RFIDs are battery-powered sensors that gather and transmit data to a reading device. Some sensor based technologies are scanning electron microscopes, LiDAR,radar, GPS, x-ray, sonar, infrared and seismic.
chunking and short-term is the correct answer of this question.
chunking is a strategy to enhance a short-term memory.
Chunking is an method used to separate larger numbers that can not be psychologically separated.Chunking is the grouping of words in one sentence into short, important phrases. A chunk is the material segment that is used in many graphical formats, such as PNG etc.
Short-term memory is the knowledge a person is considering or is conscious of. This is also called healthy or main memory.