75-79? I think that is what is; the shape are so similar so its kinda hard to tell
To give some context:
Jamaican English is the official language of Jamaica, which is a mixture of British grammar and American English.
It is also known that the most spoken language in the country is Jamaican Patois. It's a mixed language containing parts of English, Portuguese, French and Spanish, amongst others.
However, note that Jamaica was only conquered by Spain from 1494 to 1655 and then invaded by Britain from 1655 to 1962.
The language had other influences apart from the colonizers.
In conclusion, we can say that the actual language has a huge part from English that clearly make us identify Jamaica as a colony of England in the past.
After World War 2, The late 40s to mid 50s saw a huge rise in baby population also known as baby boomers
Os itens usados para o comércio nas colônias do sul das Colônias incluíam tabaco, algodão, arroz, índigo (corante), madeira, peles, produtos agrícolas, muitos dos quais foram produzidos nas plantações de escravos.