The protagonist's guilt. He kept hearing the beating heart and going mentally insane from this because he knew the man was not only dead but it was he who killed him
It's in the book why- but I've taken the quiz and the answer is correct.
1. The amount of words in poetry is less compared to prose and other literary pieces.
2. The rhythm produced from one line to another adds a natural flow to poetry.
3. The small chunks of words at a time helps to make the reading less threatening.
4. The white space left on the pages makes the reading breathable and less choking.
Jason Reynolds, an author explains that the reason why many young people are not being helped to overcome their fear of books is that the teachers and instructors still bombard them with voluminous books, thus adding to their fear. He compared it to a person scared of dogs still being confronted with a Pit Bull or other intimidating dogs.
To solve the problem, Reynolds explained that the less volume of words contained in Poetry can help instill a love for reading in the students. They can enjoy the rhythm created as they move from lines and stanzas. The small chunks of words also makes reading less intimidating.
B. or D.
Sorry I can't give you the exact answer. But I can erase 2 of the wrong ones.
Overgeneralization is when you use a vague description to make a claim that is false, which is a logical fallacy. It's basically incorrectly using the law of syllogism. Everyone could easily be used in a overgeneralization:
"<em>Everyone</em> likes this shirt. This shirt is blue. Therefore, everyone likes blue shirts.
Never could also be used in a overgeneralization:
"All cars have wheels. Trains have wheels. Therefore, all cars are trains.
Again, sorry I can't give you the exact answer.
B is the answer. If the problem is that people are not reading enough books, to conclude the text we would need a solution that can combat this problem. This would make the answer B.