Quicksand. The treaty, though intended by Wilson to foster his 14 points and prevent another Great War, severely punished the defeated Germans, at the demand of Clemenceau of France and the Prime Minister of Britain. Inflation crippled the German economy, dissatisfied veterans tried to overthrow the government. In subsequent years, Hitler would use German citizens’ resentment toward the Versailles treaty the nation’s poverty to hate Jews and the Western nations, thus leading to WWII
A is correct!
Conservatives typically are against social safety nets and governments gaining power.
The correct answer is democratic capital
In general, democracy is the political practice of dissolving, in some way, power and political decisions among citizens.
Democracies can be classified according to different types, based on the way they are organized, and they can also have different stages of development. Therefore, the term is broad and difficult to define, since the simple act of saying that “democracy is the power of the people” or of associating democracy with the practice of elections does not define the concept in its entirety
to cause panick in the north
Answer: Because of the representation of a wide vary of perspective