The economies of Washington's Indian reservations have grown over the last half-decade, and despite some Little more than a third of Indians ... profits, taxes, leases, and natural resources support more than this statewide average masks some of the remaining.
The second one civil service exams.
Shi Huangdi was unpopular was due to the deaths of thousands of laborers during the construction of The
Great Wall.
The correct answer to this open question is the following.
Women have always played a major role in history.
European and American women have made important contributions to humans and the planet.
For instance, let's start with Madame Curie, who was born in Poland much get the French nationality. She was a great scientist. Probably the brightest woman in science. She won two Nobel Prizes for her contributions to science, One Nobel Price in chemistry and the other on physics. How about that!
In politics, let's talk about Queen Victoria, of England. She was an important ruler that controlled a cast British empire, including Canada, Kenya, Australia, India, and Egypt.
In the United States, we have Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a leader in the Women Suffrage movement who organized the Seneca Falls Convention in Seneca Falls, New York, in the summer of 1848.