Factors that influence the reaction rates of chemical reactions include the concentration of reactants, temperature, the physical state of reactants and their dispersion, the solvent, and the presence of a catalyst.
Source: Google
Out of the choices given, the mechanisms that drives evolution is natural selection. The correct answer is B, natural selection.
<h2>A. Chromosome</h2>
In intermediate phase of cell cycle, DNA replication occurs (in S-phase), so in inter phase, DNA become unfolded and in relaxed state and is available for replicating machinery.
When cell enter into prophase, DNA folds, coils and super coils and finally become in condensed form, which can be seen by microscope.
So this compact form of DNA is called as chromosome.
In humans. there are total 46 chromosomes.
Primitive Earth where life emerged was subjected to extreme conditions
The origin of life is still an issue of intense debate today, although most researchers believe that life emerged from primitive organisms generated by the synthesis of organic compounds in early Earth. In line with this theory, it has been shown that membrane-forming compounds can be formed in extreme conditions (i.e., UV rays, extreme temperature, etc). It is believed that such conditions recreated in a laboratory were similar to the early Earth about 3,900 million years ago, thereby supporting the idea of the 'primordial soup theory' proposed by John Burdon Sanderson Haldane in 1929.