i think conduction cause it depends on how fast it can heat up
also this is not a biology quiestion
Here the fucose is linked to galactose by alpha1,2 glycosidic linkage.
Fucose is a deoxy sugar consist of 6 carbon atoms which means fucose is a hexose sugar.
Fucose does not contain -OH group at C6 carbon that"s why it is termed as deoxy sugar.
Fucose can link to both Nactylglucosame by alpha-1,6 glycosidic linkage and to galactose by alpha-1, glycosidic linkage generates the H antigen.
As donor is blood type B that means fucose is linked to galactoseof H antigen by alpha 1,2glycisidic linkage.
The answer is, acquired traits are passed down from parent to offspring.
Answer: a. Stomata open at Night
As a tactic to minimize photorespiration in warm regions, many water-storing plants such as cacti and pineapples modified its method of carbon fixation. This process is called Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM), following the plant family Crassulaceae, in which it was first identified. In these plants, the stomata (singular, stoma), specialized openings in the leaves of all plants through which CO2 enters and water vapor is lost, open during the night and close during the day. This model of stomatal opening and closing is the opposite of that in most plants.