The population of Brazil is very diverse, comprising many races and ethnic groups. In general, Brazilians trace their origins from three sources: Europeans, Amerindians and Africans. Historically, Brazil has experienced large degrees of ethnic and racial admixture, assimilation of cultures and syncretism.
sight is the most important sense we use, We perceive up to 80% of all impressions by means of our sight. And if other senses such as taste or smell stop working, sight is best to protect us from danger.
This means that, for example if a group or two people are having an argument it’s best that it doesn’t in with one side of the argument winning, or feeling as if they’re more correct than the others. It’s best that both people or peoples feel like they’ve won in the argument, this way it wouldn’t involve any long term conflict.. which could lead to something very unnecessary or sometimes even harmful to both people.
According to Maslow's need hierarchy, you have to satisfy the lowest tier of the hierarchy first before you are motivated to accomplish the higher tiers. These tiers, starting from the lowest, are physiological needs (food, shelter,etc.), safety needs, belongingness and love needs (relationships, friends and family), esteem needs (accomplishments) and self-actualization (reaching full potential). This is problematic for Vincent because he hasn't satisfied the lower 2 tiers yet.