Since you already changed the fractions into decimals, it will be easier to change it into fraction with the denominator of 100 or 1000.
All you have to do is move the decimals to the right in order to find the denominator.
14a) 50/100 OR 51/100 the bigger number would be 51/100 or 0.51
14b) 80/100 or 85/100 the bigger is 85/100 or 0.85
14c) 750/1000 or 734/1000 the bigger number is 750/1000 or 3/4.
Hope this helps.
b. <em>he describes the event unemotionally to avoid bias and sentiment</em>. This is the correct answer.
Frederick Douglass, a former slave, wrote this memoir in 1845. The event he describes is related to the moment he left a plantation- Colonel Lloyd's - and the fact he was being carried to Baltimore by sail. There is not any emotional language in this description. As this narrative was considered a treatise against abolition, the writer must have avoided any sentimental language.
These options are not right:
a. he describes the event chronologically to make the account factual. ( The event is described but chronology is not stated).
c. he uses words such as remember to set a sad, nostalgic tone. ( The word remember is mentioned because it is a memoir. The words does not necessarily indicate any nostalgic tone).
d. he uses nautical terms, such as aft, to establish his credibility. ( The writer's credibility will not be reflected by his use of this specific vocabulary).
The past form of realize is realized