Ans: As years passed, more and more evidence was uncovered to support the idea that the plates move constantly over geologic time. It showed that earthquakes, volcanoes, and other active geologic features for the most part aligned along distinct belts around the world, and those belts defined the edges of tectonic plates.
He claimed that they were one large supercontinent called Pangaea. His evidence for his claim was that the general shapes of the separate continents and how they can fit together if you arrange them. He noticed patterns in the mountain ranges; when all the continents are together the ranges line up with one another.
Southern Europe has a distinctively Mediterranean climate, which features warm to hot, dry summers and cool to mild winters and frequent sunny skies. Central-eastern Europe is classified as having a Continental climate, which features warm to hot summers and cold winters.
also i got this information off of safari if you need me to rewrite it don't hesitate to ask❤️!
3. belonging in a large family they believe made you more elite