To convert 8.0464x10^-7 from scientific notation to decimal notation, you need to move the decimal point to the left seven times.
Therefore the answer is:
Note: 10^-7 equals 1/10^7
8.0464x10^-7 can be rewritten as:
8.0464/10^7 (i.e. divide 8.0464 by 10000000)
which results: 0.00000080464
If the sum of any 2 sides is equal to or less than the third side it is Not a triangle.
So A :- we have 2+4 = 6 so its not a triangle.
also D is not a triangle because 8+3 < 12
what about B and C?
Yea I agree with both of them as 1/4 and 25/100 is the same as 25%. As you can put 25 percent in a fraction form as they both used for example 1/4,2/8 or even 25/100.
=> 3a
Step-by-step explanation:
=> 4a - 2a + a
=> 2a + a
=> 3a