Scavengers play an important role in the network of food. They keep the world clean from the remains of dead animals, or carrion. Scavengers break down this raw material and recycle it as nutrients into the environment. Vultures consume only the corpses of deceased animals.
Catabolism (a form of metabolism in which cells are breaking down larger units into smaller units).
Another answer is cellular respiration
The correct answer would be A. how living organisms interact and function.
The term biology comes from Greek words "bios" which means life and "logos" which means study.
Biology is defined as the natural sciences that study life and all the living organisms including their chemical processes, physical structures, development, physiological mechanisms, molecular interactions, and evolution.
Answer: a. Haploid spores are released to form zygotes, which grow into gametophytes.
A fern has two different stages of the life cycle; the sporophyte and gametophyte. In the sporophyte, spores are released. After this life cycle comes the gametophyte or the sexual phase, <span>haploid spores are released to form zygotes, which grow into gametophytes. </span>