Fifteenth Amendment "commands that the right to vote shall not be denied or abridged on account of race or color, and it gives Congress the power to enforce that command. The Amendment is not designed to punish for the past; its purpose is to ensure a better future."
There is a very close relationship between plot and characterization or character development. As the plot moves forward, the plot reveals the characters' qualities. Likewise, it is also the characters' actions, beliefs, attitudes, and motivations, all of which make up characterization, that help to move the plot forward.One of Oedipus's qualities is his excessive prideand it is that quality which drives the plot forward the most. His excessive pride is...
What changed americas view of ww1 was freedom and liberty i think thats right.
The National Assembly of France.
This was illegal according to the laws of the time, but the 3rd Estate was declaring those laws and rules as a system that opposed the will and well-being of the people of France.
The old laws on the books said that when a gathering of the Estates General occurred, each of the three estates met separately and each group had one collective vote (the consensus of the whole group) as their final vote. The 1st Estate (clergy) and 2nd Estate (nobility), representing 2% of the population total, would combine their votes in opposition to the vote of the 3rd Estate (the common people). The 3rd Estate essentially declared that they, 98% of the nation, were the nation and that their delegates thus were the National Assembly.
There's more to the story than that, but we'll keep it brief here for now!
Ceremony elements. Only three incumbent presidents have refused to accompany the president-elect: John Adams, John Quincy Adams, and Andrew Johnson. Around or after 12 noon, the president takes the oath of office, usually administered by the Chief Justice of the United States, and then delivers the inaugural address.
hope i helped