The partition between Eastern and Western Europe was know as the Iron Curtain and The collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union brought an end to the Cold War.
Why the other two are wrong:
1. NATO was created against The Soviet Union by several Western European Countries
2. The city of Berlin was divided for only 30 years
The Election Commission is regarded as the guardian of elections in the country. In every election, it issues a Model Code of Conduct for political parties and candidates to conduct elections in a free and fair manner. ... The election commission has the right to allow symbols to the political parties.v
John Smith is mostly associated with being the first colonial leader to settle the first permanent English settlement in America. He helped set up the colony of Jamestown in present day Virginia.
How are citizens' wishes made
known in government?
3. representative government
What protects individual freedoms
from government oppression?
5. limited government
What guides the beliefs that a
government follows?
4. political ideology
Where does the government get its
2. popular sovereignty
How are powers in the national and
state government kept separate?
1. states' rights
In order for Luke to write his Gospel, he had to go to another sources, since we wasn't himself an apostle (one of the twelve first followers of Jesus Christ)
To tihs day, there is a lot of controversy as of Luke's sources and even his identity. One of the few things we know for sure is he took writings from apostles Mark and Mathew. From the list of responses, we can also pick the name Paul, since Luke is named in the bible "a companion of Paul"