D BECAUSE great britian had time to get ready because they new it was coming so they had time.
the right to be left alone
The decision was the law violated the woman's right to privacy.
The French and Indian war changed the economic relationship between Britain and its colonies.
Britain started to regulate the colonies economy and political affairs. They started imposing taxes and regulations that were considered by the colonists as unfair. Britain forced taxes on the English colonies because they required money to get rid of war debts. Britishers decided to add acts in the colonies, which covered the Stamp Act and Townsend Acts.
Reduces their power--elites in Latin America control economic and political aspects of society. Reforms would provide more groups with rights, reducing the influence of the elite.
In any country, elites often control the means of production and the political system. Reforms, especially coming from lower classes or oppressed groups, would potentially reduce the power and influence the elite group has. This has been true through many revolutionary movements.