César fue señor de Roma y se hizo cónsul y dictador. Usó su poder para llevar a cabo una reforma muy necesaria, aliviar la deuda, ampliar el Senado, construir el Foro Iulium y revisar el calendario. La dictadura siempre se consideró una posición temporal, pero en el 44 a. C., César la quitó de por vida. El asesinato de Julio César, que ocurrió en el 44 a. C., se produjo como resultado de una conspiración de hasta 60 senadores romanos. Liderados por Cayo Casio Longino y Marco Junio Bruto, apuñalaron fatalmente a César en Roma, cerca del Teatro de Pompeyo
Let's take a look at some command economies: today: North Korea
In the past: The Soviet Union.
We can see that in both cases the countries failed to provide enough food and supplies for their citizens, so one way that command economies influence the citizens of the countries that had them was by inducing hunger. (the same is not true of mixed economies, or not always true).
The federal district courts hear cases that arise under federal law or the U.S. Constitution. The second levels are the appellate courts, which hear appeals from the trial courts. Both the state and federal systems have a Supreme Court, to serve as the “court of last resort.”
In the United States, a state supreme court (known by other names in some states) is the ultimate judicial tribunal in the court system of a particular state (i.e., that state's court of last resort). ... Generally, the state supreme court, like most appellate tribunals, is exclusively for hearing appeals of legal issues.
Essential items needed for the war effort were rationed