Explanation:Nov 16, 2021 · Swimmers train their breathing to be quick, short, and spaced out. Swimmers, therefore, receive less oxygen while exercising, and is the reason many people feel more exhausted after swimming for sleeping
Adoption is legally transferring parental rights to a child from the biological parents to another set of parents.
Dementia and Delirium are two somewhat broad biological phenomenon that are biological causes of mental illness. These interfere with biological processes with the brain. If we wish to be more specific, Cancers, Alzheimer and Parkinson's Disease can affect the brain by pressing on important aspects (Brain Cancer's) and/or cause progressive degeneration (Alzheimer and Parkinson's)
I haven't heard of PRICES method. I only know of PRICE which stands for P - protect
R - rest
I - ice
C - compress
E - elevate
However, since we are dealing with injuries, S can stand for SPLINT. You apply a splint on injuries with broken bones. This is to ensure that the edges of the broken bones will meld and mend together without any difficulty.