In my opinion, the audio is about the first printing press. I have a general understanding of how to translate this but I want to make sure I'm correct.=
À mon avis, l'audio concerne la première presse à imprimer.J'ai une compréhension générale de la façon de traduire ceci mais je veux m'assurer que j'ai raison.
1. We wait/are waiting in the park.
2. I hear the concert.
3. You lose your patience.
4. He visits/is visiting his mother.
5. They answer the question.
6. Claude sells some books.
7. The lawyer defends the criminal.
8. She returns the book to the library.
9. You correspond with a friend in France.
10. You descend the staircase/stairs very rapidly.
#1 la saint valentin
#2 Mon anniversaire
#3 Halloween
#4 pendant les vacances
#pendant5 les examens
1. Cet acteur pense [que la pièce aura du succès]
2. Le géant Gargantua est un héros de roman [que Rabelais
a inventé.]
3. L'enchanteur a jeté un sort à son ennemi
[quand il ne s'y attendait pas.]
4. Le réalisateur explique [qu'il a tourné son film en Alaska.]
5.[ Lorsqu'on voyage,] on découvre de nouvelles cultures.
6. Le chevalier [qui remportera le tournoi] épousera la princesse
I am not sure on how many you need, so I will give you five similarities.
- We are very active in the business industry and as people as well.
- We both can be pretty friendly and welcoming.
- We both share common values.
- We have parallel policies on security, political , and economic issues.
- They both take fashion seriously