Socialism and communism are alike in that both are systems of production for use based on public ownership of the means of production and centralized planning. Socialism grows directly out of capitalism; it is the first form of the new society. Communism is a further development or "higher stage" of socialism like communism, calls for putting the major means of production in the hands of the people, either directly or through the government. Socialists differ from communists in that they do not believe that the workers will overthrow capitalists suddenly and violently.
Should be nation(s).
Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia.
Until April 6th, 1917, America was still a declared neutral state and she had tried to keep out of World War 1. However, she had economic relationships with nations involved in the war such as loans and financial support. American Secretary of State William Jennings opposed this financial support of warring nations, arguing that refusing to loan to any Allied nations in Europe would help to accelerate the end of the war. Even though President Wilson agreed at first, he retreated this when France argued that if it was not legal to take out credits from America, then it was not legal to buy American goods as well.
Regarding this, the American steel industry had faced declining profits during the Recession of 1913–1914. And when the war began in Europe, the increased demand for tools of war began a period of intensified productivity that relieved many U.S. industrial companies.
C) The goal of life is happiness.
They have in common this goal, but the way you would reach until that is different from each philosophy.<u> Both philosophies were very influence in the Ancient Greek. Epicureanism is a a philosophical system created by Epicurus, and advocte about the seek of happinnes based on simple things of life (dreams, a nap, a share time with friends and family, and so on). To avoid greed and desires, and share his feelings . To the Stoicism, created almost in the same period and location by Zeno, the seek of happiness is the avoid of vicious, and understand that you have to be in consonation with the nature. There is the real definition of happiness.</u>