My freedoms in the United state it complicated me as my family have to go through a lot will actually allow to be in the state. But for the Russia relationship with the United state, Maintain diplomatic and trade relations. It was generally warm under the Russian President NATO bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the spring.
Russian Constitution (1993) states of the Freedom of assembly that citizens of the Russian Federation shall have the right to gather peacefully, without weapons, and to hold meetings, rallies, demonstrations, marches and pickets, this compares to people rights in the USA but Russia is seen as much more strict and has many more problems and issues when it comes to the government and the people (at least in the 1950-1970s)
In this scenario in where the King of England need the great council's approval in order to excise taxes, suspend the laws as well as to raise an army. Hope this is the right answer and would be of help.