p53 helps the cells from passing on mutations that lead to DNA damage. Hence, it is known as the guardian angel of the cell as it helps fight against cancer. However, if p53 becomes defective or missing, then the mutations will lead to cancer.
Mutations in the p53 can also cause the tumor-suppressing genes to convert into tumor causing genes. Hence, mutations in such kind of genes can be very harmful for the body.
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transfer RNA( tRNA)
Molecules carry amino acids to the ribosomes during proteins:)
8 miles
Velocity is speed+direction (the speed of something in a given direction). We know that running on a track, one is moving forwards, which is why the velocity given as positive. Now we do some simple algebra. 120 minutes is equal to 2 hours. At a velocity of 4 miles an hour, for 2 hours, you multiply 4x2 and get 8, which is how far (in miles, units are important) the man has traveled once he comes to a stop.