4 ul Loading Buffer + 19.70 ul dH2O + 0.30 ul DNA Ladder
Load 12 ul on the gel.
DNA Ladder concentration = 1000 ug/ml
1000 ug DNA in 1 ml DNA Ladder solution → 150 ng DNA = 0.15 ug DNA in..... 0.00015 ml = 0.15 ul DNA Ladder solution
6x DNA Loading Buffer → it has to be diluted by an equal volume 6 times (1 ul LB + 1 ul distilled H2O)
An appropriate volume to load on an average agarose gel is 12 ul, so:
2 ul Loading Buffer + 9.85 ul dH2O + 0.15 ul DNA Ladder = 12 ul
But since 0.15 ul is a very small volume and mistakes could be made while measuring it, let's make double:
4 ul Loading Buffer + 19.70 ul dH2O + 0.30 ul DNA Ladder = 24 ul
And load half of that solution (12 ul) on the gel.
It is important since it will affect the credibility and reliability of the experiment or the said study. It is vital aspect in every research since many studies are subject to replication in order to validate and verify the said study. This repeatability will increase the impression of the study of its consistency and direct implications, having a stronger sources and results.
<span>Research method is always used to answer every scientific inquiry and in gaining evidential data or knowledge. The scientific method has the following process or at least undergoes the process of
1. Observation</span>
2. Hypothesis
3. Experimentation
4. Interpretation of data
5. Evaluating the data
<span>6. Passing and recording the data </span>
B. Salmon envolved before kangaroos
Cytokinesis begins in anaphase and ends in telophase, reaching completion as the next interphase begins. The first visible change of cytokinesis in an animal cell is the sudden appearance of a pucker, or cleavage furrow, on the cell surface.