Answer: Competitive
Explanation: They don’t hunt each other nor benefit from each other’s existence. Therefore, it’s most likely they compete for prey and survival.
The major function of the contractile vacuole of amoeba is osmoregulation. The solute concentration found in the cell of amoeba's cytoplasm is more than the solute concentration in the freshwater that surround the external part of the organism, thus, water enter the cell through osmosis. The contractile vacuole collect the excess water and expel it through an opening in the cell membrane. By doing this, the contractile vacuole maintains the water balance in amoeba. This how the contractile vacuole normally operate.
In a situation where amoeba is placed in seawater, then water from the cell cytoplasm will rush out of amoeba cell, because of the higher salt content of the surrounding medium. The contractile vacuole will respond to the situation by increasing its contraction and pumping water out the cell in an accelerated manner, this will lead to the shrinking of the cell.
The Emergency Severity Index is a 5 level emergency department triage being maintained by the AHRQ. Among the victims of the car accident here is the order in which they should be seen by a healthcare provider. First, an adult with a laceration with severe bleeding. Second, an adult having 30 breaths per minute respiration with a history of asthma. Third, an older adult confuse yet with normal vital signs and lastly is a child with lacerations on arms as well as in the legs.
The main component in three investigations is that in my opinion The common denominator of the fact that they are all three still investigations.