1.) Anwser will be retupmoc
public static String mysteryString(String s){
if(s.length() == 1){
return s;
return s.substring(s.length() -1) + mysteryString(s.substring(0, s.length()-1));
In this program input is "computer" . So the function mysteryString(String s) it does
return s.substring(s.length() -1) + mysteryString(s.substring(0, s.length()-1));
so when it enters the first time ??s.substring(s.length() -1) and it will be give you 'r' then it calls the function recursively by reducing the string length by one . So next time it calls the mysteryString function with string "compute" and next time it calls return s.substring(s.length()-1)? + mysteryString(s.substring(0,s.length-1)) so this time it gives "e" and calls the function again recursively . It keeps on doing till it matched the base case.
so it returns "retupmoc".
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a forum is for questions, a wiki doesn't make sense in this situation and email wouldn't be used for this either so it should be a blog
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