Select commands would return all the rows and columns in the table.
In the database management system, it consists of one or more table. To handle this table it provides the concept of SQL(Structured Query Language). It is a programming language that design, manage, store data into the relational database. It is case sensitive language. In the SQL many commands used for handle table data, it returns all rows and columns from the table.
Syntax of select command can be given as:
Select * from tablename;
select * from ProductCategory;
returns all the data from the table.
In select command, we will also return select data by using condition
SELECT column1 [, column2, ...]
FROM tablename
WHERE condition
In the conditional clause we use these operators that can be given as:
= Equal, > Greater than, < Less than, >= Greater than equal to, <= Less than equal to, != Not equal to.
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Following the information given in the question, the testing process for the website will include testing the links that are on the site.
Another that ng to test is to check if the menus and the buttons are working properly. Furthermore, the layout should be ensured that it's consistent as well as the ease with which the website can be used.
Try restarting it. If you can’t restart because the screen is frozen maybe just turn it off and back on. If you already tried restarting and it still didn’t fix the problem, just give it some time. The computer will reset itself eventually which should fix the problem.
Select the worksheet and click Delete All Filters.