Factories? Im not very sure because this is kinda vague. but hopefully you can get it!
I’m not to sure but maybe it represents the death of the American dream during the 1930’s or the death of Lincoln?
c. The South had a better rail system for the transportation of war materiel and personnel.
The South had virtually almost no rail system, while the north had a extended rail system to use to transport their larger quantity of troops, supplies, and war materials.
I believe it is both had restrictions on personal rights. Hope this helps.
Its productive power was unmatched. This dominance ... Why Europe ruled the World .... So why did Europe achieve economic dominance? ..... ii) Germany did not have colonies, but did industrialise and become powerful.Trade was the driving force in making Europe into the dominant world power.Europe has been a backwater. Only around 500BC did Europe's southern fringe become an important part of the world,