The chronometer is a device to measure time in a period of time, therefore not a correct answer.
London is closer to Europe than Dover.
T not touch islands gfs u Fd dhddigsgkvgdh he dugzgkcehnv
to studies, drivers ranging from 16- to 20-years old with a blood-alcohol level
of .02 percent to .049 percent had almost a three times higher risk of being
involved in a fatal crash than sober drivers of similar age. Their chances of
dying in a single-vehicle crash were almost four times greater. It also showed
the risk of a fatal car crash doubled for sober male drivers between 1996 and
2007. The researchers said unfocused driving may well be the cause. The
researchers settled that drunk-driving and distracted-driving prevention
education is needed for both boys and girls.
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The population pyramid is a graphical depiction of age and sex structure of population in a certain region ( usually state).
Pyramid is not the most adequate term since it`s two-dimensional and has a shape of a triangle. Left side of this triangle represents males and the right side females. This pyramid is presented with a set of bars which are pilled one on another. The bars are longer on the base and shorter on the top, hence the shape of a triangle. Each bar represents a certain age range. The lowest bar represents the range from 0 to 4 years. The one above from 5 to 9 years, the next from 10 to 14 years and so on. The length of a bar represents the number or the percentage of that range in the given population.
The pyramid population is regarded as one of the best ways to visualize age structure in both sexes.